Representative Projects
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, Phase 1 Transit to Bay Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail in the City of San Mateo
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Mallard Farms Conservation Bank in Solano County, California
Biological Resources evaluation for the Napa Oaks Residential Project EIR in Napa, California
Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations for the Bel Marin Keys Lagoon Dredging and Emergency Levee Improvement Projects in Marin County, California
Environmental Assessments
HBG has managed over 200 Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Reports, and Environmental Impact Statements pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other federal and state environmental regulatory agencies’ requirements. We prepare CEQA Initial Studies and Mitigated Negative Declarations in-house for our permitting projects as necessary, and we support EIR and EIS preparation with technical documentation in natural resource areas such as wetlands, biological resources, hydrology, water quality and erosion, as well as land planning and hazardous materials. We access a team of professionals as needed for specialized studies in areas such as traffic engineering, acoustics, air quality, visual simulation and cultural resources.
XpressWest (a.k.a DesertXpress) 160 Mile High Speed Rail Transportation Corridor Project Spanning from Victorville, California to Las Vegas, Nevada
Upgraded Redwood Shores and San Carlos Airport Levee to obtain FEMA certification, City of Redwood City and City of San Carlos, CA
Springtown Natural Communities Reserve, Livermore, California
XpressWest (a.k.a DesertXpress) 160 Mile High Speed Rail Transportation Corridor Project Spanning from Victorville, California to Las Vegas, Nevada